
Wednesday 19 September 2018

Match the terms

matching activity

DIRECTIONS: Put the scientific method steps in the correct order,
so that the scientific method is accurate.
Step 1 Think of a question
Step 2 Make a hypothesis or a prediction about what might happen
Step 3Do the experiment to test my hypothesis or prediction
Step 4Share what I learned and what I might test next
Step 5 Write a conclusion statement

Write a conclusion statement
Do the experiment to test my hypothesis or prediction
Make a hypothesis or a prediction about what might happen
Share what I learned and what I might test next
Think of a question

Reducing fractions

Data bank research

Tuesday 18 September 2018

How to make a quality blog comment

 Today for Cybersmart My Class had to go on another Person's blog and show how to make a quality blog comment using these three keys positive, thoughtful, and helpful and we had to do on a screencastify